Proof of concept that could be fun, made for game a week in the 2nd week of the event. CONTROLLER RECOMMENDED

ControlsKeyboard + MouseXbox Controller
JumpSpace / WA Button
MoveWASDLeft Stick
Reset LevelRY Button
Move LineMouse Left Click HoldRight Stick


Title screen font - Mario World Pixel Color Font by BROTHERSZZZ paramount17 fonts

Gravity Level idea - Reece Williams


Download 29 MB


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Very very fun would reccomend!


this is such a sick concept! and so well executed in a week?! Amazing job honestly

Thanks! I honestly might expand on the concept for another game with alot more levels + more complexity


this was fun, just want to check how many levels are there? is the last level the one with the red gun thing?

(1 edit)

Yeah that was last level! I didn't find the time to design any more levels that I was happy with, so only 5 levels were made since i only had a week to make everything. It could definitely be expanded for sure and I might in future